Monday, November 26, 2012

Adventure #11: Rolo Stuffed Snickerdoodles

            Last weekend I had to complete yet another adventure by myself! Garrett was sick and although I was sick as well, I could not miss an adventure. I decided that since I am much better at baking than cooking I would make a dessert. At this time of the year I love to eat warm homemade cookies fresh out of the oven, so I decided to make a classic with a twist, Rolo stuffed snickerdoodles.

            After spending less than $20 for the last adventure, I was willing to splurge a bit more for this one. However, I was pleasantly surprised to find that that wasn’t necessary for this particular recipe. I just so happened to have all of the ingredients except for the Rolo’s. Since the recipe claimed to yield 32 cookies, I set off for the store to purchase one bag of Rolo’s in order to complete step 1, shopping.

            Obviously this step was simple and took very little time. It was also the cheapest purchase I’ve made all semester. Therefore, I returned home happy as could be and in a timely manner eager to begin step 2, cooking.

The complete list of ingredients for Rolo stuffed snickerdoodles is as follows

1 cup butter, softened
1 cup sugar
2/3 cup brown sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
3 cups flour
½ teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
2 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 bag Rolo’s  

            Step 2 of this adventure was fairly simple as well. I began by combining the butter, sugar, brown sugar, eggs, and vanilla in a medium bowl and then I mixed the flour, salt, and baking soda in a small bowl. I combined the two in order to make the dough. Making the dough was simple enough, but adding the Rolo’s was when it got tricky.

            With traditional snookerdoodle cookies I would typically roll the dough into balls, dip them in cinnamon and sugar, and then lightly flatten them on a cookie sheet. However, since I was making Rolo stuffed snickerdoodles, I had to place an individual Rolo in each piece of dough and then roll it into a ball, dipping it in cinnamon and sugar, but not flattening it. This seems simple enough; however, the dough continuously stuck to my hands, making it nearly impossible to roll into balls and dip in the cinnamon and sugar. Needless to say, the first batch of snickerdoodles was less than picture perfect.

I was a little disappointed with the first batch and not very hopeful for the second. However, I was surprised to find that while the first batch baked in the oven for 14 minutes at 320 degrees, the remaining dough had time to form into a much more workable consistency. The dough was easier to work with, so I was able to form perfectly shaped cookies, making the remaining batches picture perfect!

When the final batch was done, a sat down with a glass of milk and happily ate two Rolo stuffed snickerdoodles. The cookies were delicious! In fact, I’m not sure if I’ll ever make a batch of snickerdoodles without Rolo’s again. Overall, adventure #11 was a success.


Next week Garrett and I will be going on our final adventure of the semester. We’ll attempt to make the perfect soufflé!



The complete recipe for Rolo stuffed snickerdoodles can be found here or here

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